We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
因此,我们,在大陆会议上集会的美利坚合众国代表,以各殖民地善良人民的名义并经他们授权,向全世界最崇高的正义呼吁,说明我们的严正意向,同时郑重宣布;这些联合的殖民地是而且有权成为自由和独立的国家,它们取消一切对英国王室效忠的义务,它们和大不列颠国家之间的一切政治关系从此全部断绝,而且必须断绝;作为自由独立的国家,它们完全有权宣战、缔和、结盟、通商和独立国家有权去做的一切行动。为了支持这篇宣言,我们坚决信赖上帝的庇佑,以我们的生命、我们的财产和我们神圣的名誉,彼此宣誓。 JOHN HANCOCK, President 约翰·汉考克,zhuxi Attested, CHARLES THOMSON, Secretary 鉴定无误,查尔斯·汤森,秘书 New Hampshire: JOSIAH BARTLETT, WILLIAM WHIPPLE, MATTHEW THORNTON 新罕布夏:约西亚·巴列特、威廉·卫普、马修·松顿 Massachusetts-Bay: SAMUEL ADAMS, JOHN ADAMS, ROBERT TREAT PAINE, ELBRIDGE GERRY 马萨诸塞:塞缪尔·亚当斯、约翰·亚当斯 、罗伯特·崔特·潘恩、艾尔布里吉·杰利 Rhode Island: STEPHEN HOPKINS, WILLIAM ELLERY 罗德岛州:史帝芬·霍普金斯、威廉·艾勒里 Connecticut: ROGER SHERMAN, SAMUEL HUNTINGTON, WILLIAM WILLIAMS, OLIVER WOLCOTT 康涅狄格州:罗杰·谢尔曼、山缪·杭丁顿、威廉·威廉斯、奥利佛·渥寇特 Georgia: BUTTON GWINNETT, LYMAN HALL, GEO. WALTON 乔治亚:巴顿·格威内特、李曼·候尔、乔治·沃尔顿 Maryland: SAMUEL CHASE, WILLIAM PACA, THOMAS STONE, CHARLES CARROLL OF CARROLLTON 马里兰:山缪·却斯、威廉·帕卡、托马斯·史东、卡罗顿的查尔斯·卡罗 Virginia: GEORGE WYTHE, RICHARD HENRY LEE, THOMAS JEFFERSON, BENJAMIN HARRISON, THOMAS NELSON, JR., FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT LEE, CARTER BRAXTON. 维吉尼亚:乔治·怀勒、理查·亨利·李、托马斯·杰斐逊、本杰明·哈里森、小托马斯·尼尔森、法兰西斯·莱富特·李、卡特·布瑞斯顿 New York: WILLIAM FLOYD, PHILIP LIVINGSTON, FRANCIS LEWIS, LEWIS MORRIS 纽约:威廉·佛洛依德、菲利普·李文斯顿、法兰西斯·路易斯、路易斯·莫里斯 Pennsylvania: ROBERT MORRIS, BENJAMIN RUSH, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, JOHN MORTON, GEORGE CLYMER, JAMES SMITH, GEORGE TAYLOR, JAMES WILSON, GEORGE ROSS